my hobbies and thoughts collide here


So.. Somehow I got a chance to stay home today and I haven’t had an entire day to myself in an extremely long while so I am beyond excited. I have decided to pack my room, starting with my vanity area, while playing ‘Teen Wolf’ in the background, so wish me luck. I’ll update with photos later!

Oh, I am also typing from my mini iPad Mini 5 keyboard which I got from Taobao, My fingers feel cramped dancing across the mini length of it. 😕 But meh, so pretty! I am so tempted to get the new iPad Air (?). I love iPads!

Omg, I had actually planned to also pack the other parts of my room but LOL. How did I get so ambitious.  Just took a shower and am going o try and figure out how I can insert photos in here using the iPad. Have I mentioned hat I’m in love with it? Am also waiting to WFH for a bit.

Resorted to using the laptop because it was taking way too long. So here you go, the embarrassing before photos.

The thing hanging up there is my Gryffindor lanyard, which was the only thing that was reasonably affordable at King's Cross Station. 

Shelf 1, where I have my makeup on the far right. My makeup collection has dwindled drastically in recent years because I hardly put on any anymore. Singapore's weather is just too crazy for that. Also, I find that too much makeup kind of make you look sallow when you are without it. :\

A Thursday in my work life.

(Disclaimer: Today isn't representative of the usual days in my work life because it's the end of the year already.)

Going to do this Ã  la Bridget Jones. On the days that I remember, I have been reading Richard Lloyd Parry's 'People Who Eat Darkness' on the bus. It is about a British lady who got murdered but it is written in such a way that it seems like a... Flowery storybook story. Which is really weird to me. But the writing is good-ish and it's about Japan, so I'm carrying on with it. 

And oh yes, lol. I totally forgot that I had decided to use Wordpress. Oh wells. Guess I'm going to continue to house myself here. Heh. Ttyl.

11: 11
What on earth. I was supposed to have a quiet morning today but I have been doing things. This place has so many impromptu activities. The heart cannot settle! But anyway, the bread stall is opened today and will be opened till next Friday! I don't usually patronize it because it is expensive but the waffle was really good the first time I ate them. Yes, past tense. I felt a tad jaded halfway into the same flavoured waffled just now. Also, I had beef pho was heavily peppered but everything is good with chili padi and lime! Time to get back to work.

Oh gosh, I'm so sleepy. And I spent the last hour reading nonsensical news. Back to work, Char. Back to work. Should have ordered coffee when S asked earlier. Cries.

Waiting for actual work to begin at 1.30pm is incredibly painful. Everyone else is going home. ): Times like this make me wish I hadn't been so haughty and close-minded last year. SIGH, LAST YEAR. Blemish in my adult life. I hope it doesn't become a regret as I age. Also, wondering if I should switch over to Wordpress. I am so afraid Blogspot might shut down. There hasn't been any significant updates since forever!

Work in 8 minutes, finally! Joy! :D

Taking a breather.

Hi. Currently taking a breather from work. Life has finally started to slow down a little and I really can't wait to have my own time. Late nights and stress have wrecked my skin so I really want to rest. Like lie on the bed the entire day and just do nothing and stare at the ceiling. And oh, I have finally scheduled a facial next Monday, after 10274834349 months. Next up on the list are dental and hair appointments so that I start looking like a normal human being again. Joy!

It feels great to have my own space to spill my thoughts again! There are so many things I want to write about, like how enamored I am with my iPad Mini (Dad gave me his! (':), some skincare products which I have been trying out and of course, my annual clean-the-heck-out-of-my-room project. Gosh, you should really see what a pig sty my room has become. Heh.

I was trying this throw-10-things-every-day project, but of course, it has stalled because everything seems important now. Perhaps, I should start documenting it.

Okay, I'll do that later. Productivity and efficiency are the words for today. Let's go!

As busy as a bumble bee.

Things at work are supposed to have slowed down by now but because I feel the need to match up with what I had before, I'm actually super busy. But but everything ends by the end of this month, so I'm really looking forward to November. And this reminds me of what my brother once said.. That we are always waiting.

Anyway, even though my schedule is very jam-packed now and I do feel a little burnt out, there are moments when I think to myself 'Hey, I really like this.'. Life didn't really turn out the way teacup me had imagined but I'm thankful that I'm doing things which make my insides feel alive.

I am prepping to wind down for the year end though. I embarked on Chloe Ting's 2-week Shred Challenge again two days ago because I have become a fat fart (Gosh, you should have seen the amount of snacks I wolved down during the IA period.) and I'm trying to throw 10 things away every day because my room is a huge pig sty. Ahhh.. I really can't wait for the hols to roll in because I want to talk about skincare again, to embroider, to (attempt to) study Japanese again and basically, to do the things I want to do. And also, to go on dates with H. Tee hee.

Oh, just the other day, we were lying on the bed like the lazy bums that we are and he told me, quite seriously, ilu and it got me all shy inside. I only told him through text a day after but heh, he still makes my heart skip many beats.

Hi again.

Hi. It's finally the September holidays and it used to be a time to take a breather but in another world, it's for marking Math essays. My productivity rate has been 1.5 essay a day. Jesus! I have 8 more to go and 12 to rewrite (Because the template for comments were sent out much later. Not because I did it half-heartedly!)

Had conversations today that revolved around kids and adulthood. I think I had a different expectation of what life was supposed to be when I was younger.


Anyway, I started on Netflix's #Alive yesterday and kinda completed it just now (When I was supposed to be doing work. Heh.). Kinda, because I skipped some bits towards the end because I wanted to it to finish quickly. The break that I took in-between the show made it seem extra long. But anyway, it was a pretty good zombie flick. I'm not really into Korean movies but I'd say yes to zombies. I love the male lead, who was very real in his portrayal as a home-alone teen and the friendship between him and Park Shin-hye was comforting in today's world where being righteous is more important than being kind.


Off to do some work now. But first, I'd better inform H about this blog or he will feel left out (Ilu.).

Hello world.

Hi. Here I am again, peppering the virtual world with yet another 'unfinished' blog. There are only 2 blogs which I really stuck to for a long time and again, I'm hoping that this will be the third and last one. 'Last' in the sense of a soulmate-kind of last and not the end. Also, I'm starting this because I want to work on my writing (Words just don't flow out of me as easily as it used to anymore.) and as much as I'm tired of hearing this 'buzzword', keeping a blog helps me reflect and in turn, I think it helps keep me in check. And I want to talk so much about skincare. Lol. But, of course.

I'm trying to figure out how Wordpress works, but it seems a lot more complicated than I last remembered it to be. Hmm.. Anyway, I'm giving myself another hour to figure out how to customize the theme and then, it's back to work.

Oh yes, yesterday marked one year for H and me. It has been a really trying one year, mostly because of me. Thanks for sticking around and I choose you every day to journey this life with. x

One eternity later..

I have ditched Wordpress and decided to return to trusty ol' Blogspot. Please do not close down on me. Also, I have done zero amount of work and will figure out the rest for this blog later.