my hobbies and thoughts collide here


So.. Somehow I got a chance to stay home today and I haven’t had an entire day to myself in an extremely long while so I am beyond excited. I have decided to pack my room, starting with my vanity area, while playing ‘Teen Wolf’ in the background, so wish me luck. I’ll update with photos later!

Oh, I am also typing from my mini iPad Mini 5 keyboard which I got from Taobao, My fingers feel cramped dancing across the mini length of it. 😕 But meh, so pretty! I am so tempted to get the new iPad Air (?). I love iPads!

Omg, I had actually planned to also pack the other parts of my room but LOL. How did I get so ambitious.  Just took a shower and am going o try and figure out how I can insert photos in here using the iPad. Have I mentioned hat I’m in love with it? Am also waiting to WFH for a bit.

Resorted to using the laptop because it was taking way too long. So here you go, the embarrassing before photos.

The thing hanging up there is my Gryffindor lanyard, which was the only thing that was reasonably affordable at King's Cross Station. 

Shelf 1, where I have my makeup on the far right. My makeup collection has dwindled drastically in recent years because I hardly put on any anymore. Singapore's weather is just too crazy for that. Also, I find that too much makeup kind of make you look sallow when you are without it. :\

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