Things at work are supposed to have slowed down by now but because I feel the need to match up with what I had before, I'm actually super busy. But but everything ends by the end of this month, so I'm really looking forward to November. And this reminds me of what my brother once said.. That we are always waiting.
Anyway, even though my schedule is very jam-packed now and I do feel a little burnt out, there are moments when I think to myself 'Hey, I really like this.'. Life didn't really turn out the way teacup me had imagined but I'm thankful that I'm doing things which make my insides feel alive.
I am prepping to wind down for the year end though. I embarked on Chloe Ting's 2-week Shred Challenge again two days ago because I have become a fat fart (Gosh, you should have seen the amount of snacks I wolved down during the IA period.) and I'm trying to throw 10 things away every day because my room is a huge pig sty. Ahhh.. I really can't wait for the hols to roll in because I want to talk about skincare again, to embroider, to (attempt to) study Japanese again and basically, to do the things I want to do. And also, to go on dates with H. Tee hee.
Oh, just the other day, we were lying on the bed like the lazy bums that we are and he told me, quite seriously, ilu and it got me all shy inside. I only told him through text a day after but heh, he still makes my heart skip many beats.
Saturday, 10 October 2020
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